Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Spring Blossoms

We have a small apple orchard at our house.  It seems like we get a really good crop about every other year.  Of course that depends on when we get our last killing frost.  A frost was predicted for last weekend and Bud heard that if we turned fans on to blow around the trees it would save them from the frost.  So that is what he did on Saturday night.  I'm not sure if it really got that cold or not, but the trees are gorgeous!
The orchard was here when we bought the place so we aren't really sure of the kinds of trees we have.
This one is a Delicious apple tree.  Great for crunchy juicy apples just right for eating fresh.

The closest tree in the picture is the oldest and the best for applesauce and apple butter.  It makes great pies too. We really should have it grafted as the guy at the nursery isn't sure what type it is either. The next two are good for pies also.  The last one normally just has a few apple.  We're not sure what it's problem is, but since we get more than enough from the rest we're not concerned about it.

If only you could smell the blossoms!
Don't you just love the beauty of spring??


Laurie said...

I'll be smelling the beauty soon Kim! When we moved her, we too have a wonderful little orchard on the property, pear and apple trees. They are getting ready to bloom, and I can't wait, the whole air smells intoxicating!

Trilby said...

You let me know when the apples are ready. We will come and help do them. We love the apple butter and apple sauce. I would love to do some apple butter for teacher/staff gifts for the boys.