Monday, May 2, 2011


Signs of Spring.......
*The temperatures are a tad bit warmer. 
* The sun is peeking out now and then.
*I had to refill my bird feeder for the goldfinches.
*The tulips are looking great!
*The hostas are on their way.

*And (my favorite) phlox is looking gorgeous!
*Bud's baby magnolia tree is looking good!
And the last sign of spring around here is that.....
I spent five hours working outside Saturday, mulching, raking,
pulling weeds, etc.  My muscles were so sore I could hardly sleep that night!!
Happens every year, so you'd think I'd learn.
I love spring and flowers, but it sure takes a lot of work.


Laurie said...

I've been outside all day today also Kim, it feels so good to be in the fresh air without snow! The flowers are emerging here also, and the smell of fresh cut grass is filling the air! Awesome!

Trilby said...

I am going to have to have some new plants. Mike mowed over my tulips because he didn't want to bother with the weedeater. It will be fun deciding what to plant in my new yard next year. Something other than the cowpies that are over there now. Or the dandelions in our current yard!!