Sunday, October 30, 2011

Grandchild #9 is on the Way!!

Yes, Clara is going to be a big sister in May!!  That will make nine grandchildren.  Tasha is feeling good, but tired.

So, that means we have three grandchildren currently on the way!  One in December and two in May.  I've added the baby tickers to the sidebar.

We've known for several weeks, but Tasha didn't want us to tell until last Friday.  We learned about both girls several weeks ago.  We were camping and they came out with their families.  Most of us were inside because it was cold.  Bud, Trina, and Tanner came inside and told me Bud had gotten a parking ticket.  I was a little POed because the campground was fairly empty, so it seemed pretty picky to give him a ticket and not just talk to him.  Anyway, Trina handed me this in an orange envelope.
It certainly looked official to me!  Until I got to the bottom part, I was fuming that we were going to have to pay that ticket!!  This was on the back:
After I read it I asked which one was pregnant, assuming it was Trina.  They responded in unison, "Both".  I really thought they were toying with me.  But they convinced me that they were both pregnant.  We couldn't be happier!  Who doesn't love more grandchildren??!!!!  

I did tell them that 10 was a nice round number, so only time will tell if we are done at 9, or if we make it to 10!

I've got to get some quilts made!!!


Laurie said...

How awesome Kim!! And 2 at the same time, how exciting for you and your family. Congratulations!! The parking ticket was such a clever way to announce the excitement!

Josie McRazie said...

How cute is that ticket!! When I first saw you headline I thought to myself you were losing your mind and frogotten you had already told us about the grandchild! LOL How amazing to have THREE on the way!!! You are SSOOOO blessed!!!

Trina said...

The credit for the ticket goes to Tanner. He thought of the idea.

Ramona said...

Love the ticket idea! How exciting! Lots of baby quilts in your future!